Thoughts from “One World”: Moving Dialogs’ April 8th event at Chicago Cultural Center

Kudos to the witnesses & participants of Moving Dialogs’ One World on April 8th!


Over 100 people attended this vibrant gathering of diverse dance & voices. Here are some thoughts from witnesses at One World:

- “We need more time. We need more opportunities like this for people to have these kind of conversations”

- “Very nice. do it again!”

 - “I have been gifted serendipitously. Tonight i was transported out of my self into another dimension. Timeless here… an endless well of joy and wonder tapped into something precious.  I wanted to stay forever…”

“I appreciate seeing multiple aesthetics in the same space but ESPECIALLY appreciated the dialog and facilitators who helped instigate such important conversations which don’t happen enough.”

“I would caution against asking for multiplicity-oriented feedback…felt unsafe at moments”

- “Excellent format! Fabulous dance participants! Astounding Space!”

- “I really opened my eyes to the art. Unity brought these different groups together”

“I appreciate the thoughts and opinions that being brought up due to these programs.  I feel and see similarities among all the pieces i witnessed tonight: connection, control and abandonment!

“Thank you for giving the opportunity to see and discover all these talents and for the possibility to talk directly with them”

- “Awesome!”

If you witnessed “One World” and would like to share some thoughts, please do so in the comments section below…

Moving Reflections blog contributor for this event, Dr. C. S’thembile West, offered initial insights ["Engaging the World Through the Dancing Body"] and is working on a two-part post-reflection on what it was like for her to “be in the room”.  Part one : “Entering the Space“. was recently added to the blog. Check out these reflections and help move this dialog along virtually!