Corpo Dance Company

Organization Type

Corpo, Portuguese for body, was born of the vision from its founder and artistic director Christopher M. McCray. Corpo Dance Company is a multi-disciplined dance company committed to challenging, innovating and expanding the performance experience by exploring and exploiting the nuances of the human animal using a blend of classical and contemporary movement styles. Corpo Dance Company, a non-profit 501-c(3) organization, was formed in December of 2006 and performed its first movement play, Fisher's Place, in September 2007 at the Josephine Louis Theatre on Northwestern University's Evanston campus. The second performance in March 2008 was called b-sides. Outside of the company's own dance concerts, Corpo has provided its talent to worthy Chicago based fundraising and community support events. In 2007 several charities benefited from Corpo's benevolence including The Alexian Brothers AIDS Ministry, The Decades of Cabrini Project, The Beverly Arts Center of Chicago, AIDSCARE and TPAN.

Since its founding, and in just over a year, Corpo Dance Company has grown to be recognized by its peer organizations in Chicago as a formidable performance company. Chris is also the artistic director of Corpo Dance Company, and has been involved in the Chicago dance scene since 2000. Chris has worked in various Chicago dance studios, where he was a dance instructor and performer. In the last three years, he was the artistic director for another Chicago dance company, and in the fall of 2006, Chris was the recipient of the Katherine Dunham Award Best Choreography 2006 from the Black Theatre Alliance."
