Northwestern University Dance Program

Organization Type

Dance students at Northwestern University study composition and choreography in depth as they are challenged to write, research, and analyze the field of dance. At the same time, they continue to develop their dance skills with professional training and performance opportunities. The foundations of Northwestern's dance program are contemporary modern dance, which includes the vibrant Jump Rhythm Jazz style, along with ballet and tap.


As an undergraduate in dance, you’ll study composition and choreography in depth as you are challenged to write, research, and analyze the field of dance. At the same time, you’ll continue to develop your dance skills with professional training and performance opportunities.

The foundations of our dance program are contemporary modern dance, which includes the vibrant Jump Rhythm Jazz style, along with ballet and tap. You’ll examine the body in motion, explore collaborations in dance and music, and improvise dance as you develop your own vocabulary for composition and choreography.

Our faculty include award-winning professional dancers, choreographers and renowned researchers and scholars of dance history, theory and education. Guest artists lead master classes in a variety of forms and styles.

The dance and liberal arts curriculum is designed to foster your intellectual, artistic and professional growth and prepare you to pursue career opportunities in performance, dance writing, education, choreography, dance therapy and administration.


Formalize your love of dance and expression by earning a minor in dance. Whether your primary program of study is education, business, the sciences, or the humanities, the study of dance will give you insight into the nature of performance and expression and its impact on human interactions.

The foundations of our dance program are contemporary modern dance, which includes the vibrant Jump Rhythm Jazz style, along with ballet and tap. Our rich selection of courses allow you to pursue areas of special interest, such as dance history, choreography for music theatre, dance criticism, dance therapy, and dance in education.

Join in the vibrant life of our dance program, express your creative side, and enrich your primary program of study. Training in performance, improvisation, and collaboration develops your ability to create and communicate and help others to do the same.

Dance Styles
Modern / Contemporary
Skill Levels
Age Levels
Young Adults
Academic Programs
College / University Graduate
College / University Undergraduate


Northwestern University Dance Program

10 Arts Circle Dr.
Evanston, IL 60208
(847) 491-3147